Deparg's newly updated range screw feeders for manual use consist of a torque controlled screwdriver and a sword or vibratory screw feeder.
The new Eacy Feed Feeders offer better control of the feeder's vibration, lower power consumption and the ability to work off 50Hz or 60Hz power supplies without modification.
Screws with upto 8mm dia shafts can be fed to either a Deprag pneumatic screwdriver with the highly accurate MINIMAT shut off clutch or to a Deprag electric MINIMAT-E screwdriver which is fully programmable with upto 16 programs and numerous screw tightening strategies.
We cover the torque range of 0.8Ncm upto 20Nm with Deprag's extensive range of pneumatic or electric torque controlled screwdrivers.
These stands balance the weight of the screwdriver, keep it verticle and absorb all torque reaction.
Max allowable torque reaction for this stand is 20Nm
Working area is 295 to 600mm radius (arm rotates around the central column).
They are made of linear bearings to allow free movement of...
Small Spring Balancers for pneumatic tools
Small Spring Balancers
Cable Length
0 to 0.5kg
0.3 to 1.5kg
1.2 to 2.5kg